The best gifts for your Valentine
Why give the same type of gift, year after year, when you can give a financial gift of lasting value? Discuss your financial health as a couple: Use the Valentine’s Day mushy candlelit dinner as an opportunity to openly converse about your financial health, apprehensions and aspirations. Do away with gender stereotypes and be equal […]
A retiree’s dilemma
Commutation of pension is one of the most crucial decisions that officers retired or retiring from the Indian Armed Forces have to make during premature retirement or superannuation, and the factors that need to be considered are not only financial but many intangibles. Though, there can not be a straight answer to the question, here […]
Annual portfolio review in 7 steps
Market continues to reward the proactive and agile investors who realign their investments to the developing market realities. We recommend conducting a annual portfolio review in following 7 steps:- Step 1: Check how you are doing (a) Are you on track to reach your financial goals? (b) Are you saving at least 20% of your […]
Financial Planning
You work for money and in return you must expect money to help you fulfil your life goals. To make that happen, prudent financial planning and investing is something that you should immediately be doing. Why do you need a proper Financial Plan? Why won’t simple RDs and SIPs work? A financial plan enables you […]
7 Super Financial resolutions for the New Year 2022
The new year brings an opportunity to reflect on the past year and to set new goals for years to come. If you’re considering setting physical and mental fitness resolutions, add financial wellness resolutions as well. Here are seven ways to kick off the year with a fresh perspective to help meet your financial goals: […]
Current market volatility making you worry about your portfolios?
The equity market has been volatile over the past 6-8 weeks. SENSEX from a high of 62,245 on 19 Oct 2021, corrected by more than 7000 points (11.3%) to 55,133 on 20 Dec 21. This increased volatility would have been stressful, especially for new investors. Let’s be informed and attempt to understand what is going […]
5 Mistakes that SIP investors must avoid
A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) in a mutual fund is a simple and effective route to wealth creation. However, some rudimentary errors can mar this process of wealth creation for an investor. The five common mistakes that may render SIP investments ineffective are: 1. Not associating an SIP with a financial goal: The first rule […]
Have you begun your tax-saving investments?
If not, it is time you hit the ground running. Deferring it to the last moment could result in a cash crunch. Maximum tax-saving mistakes occur primarily when the investors choose products in haste. In addition to tax saving, these investments should help investors achieve their financial goals. Here are a few common mistakes that […]
Adapt to Grow: Investment strategies that work
In the month of March 2020, Covid-19 induced lows in the markets. Since then, we have been advising everybody to realign their investments as per the ‘New Normal’ post Covid. As a result, our investors’ returns have been multifold of the planned 10-15% annual returns (CAGR). Here is the performance of major asset classes, and […]
The Ultimate Guide to Succeed in Investing
For the ever dynamic and evolving investment world, the following do’s and don’ts distil a collective and time tested wisdom of investment gurus. As an investor, you may like to remember these to navigate assets and portfolio, and find your success. DON’Ts 1. Emotional Investing: Equity markets often experience stages of fear and greed. Anyone […]