What should long term investors do about market volatility?

Given the risk-off sentiment globally, the markets across the world have plunged. It is likely that the current month could go down as the worst month for not only the equities but for all the investment asset classes since March 2020, when markets crashed pandemic’s outbreak. If the ongoing correction drags on, this will be […]

Timing the markets vs Time in the market: What’s the better approach?

For the last six months and to be precise since 19 Oct 2021, markets have been consolidating with heightened volatility. The reasons could be many, however, such movements usually prompt most investors to speculate if a sharp correction is around the corner. Leading to the dilemma of whether one should book profits and protect the […]

Your DSOP/ PF subscriptions beyond ₹5 Lakhs are now taxable. What should you do?

The annual DSOP/PF contributions exceeding ₹5 Lakhs are now subjected to Income Tax(Auth: MoF Notification No 95/2021/F dated 31 Aug 2021). How does this work? Your DSOP/PF statement will now have two accounts within the provident fund account. Wherein, one will capture the non-taxable portion of contributions and the other shall contain information about the […]

5 Things to do at the start of the Financial Year

The new financial year FY2022-23 is here. If you want to become disciplined with your finances, doing certain things at the start of a new financial year can simplify your financial planning needs. Here are the five things that you need to do now: 1. Analyse your asset allocation: It is essential to review your portfolio’s […]

Annuity Plans: A safer and better option for your retirement

Early retirement is something that we all aspire for. However, in the absence of social security, lack of adequate savings towards retirement and the uncertainty of the finances makes retirement planning very challenging. Your retirement kitty, irrespective of where you save it, remains at the risk of being exhausted in old age. The ultimate goal […]

Important actions before 31 March

Complete your Tax saving investments for the Financial Year Did you know? The deadline for tax-saving investments for the current Financial year is 31 Mar 2022. If you do not complete your tax-saving investments before the deadline, your tax liability for FY 2021-22 will be higher. To save taxes under sec 80C and generate wealth […]

Plan for your retirement

What is Retirement? A phase of life when you devote time to yourself and relish it with comfort and ease. Though, many relate retirement to some age, say like 54 or 60yrs. However, in reality retirement is related to an amount of corpus and has no link with age. Because, what people seek is actually financial […]

Common myths about SIP investments

Myth#1: SIP investments are only meant for small investors Since SIP investments can be made for an amount as low as ₹500, investors tend to think that this investment instrument is meant for only small-ticket periodic investments.  Fact: The amount of monthly investment depends entirely upon your budget. Through a higher SIP installment, you will […]

Strategy to navigate through market crises

The military attack on Ukraine sparked a fresh bout of risk aversion because of which Indian markets witnessed a massive selloff of 5% in a day, and crude oil prices surged over 7% while gold hit the highest since early 2021. Just as the world had started recovering from the damage caused by the Covid-19 […]

Are you insured adequately? 12 step guide to check

The premium of term insurance policies has been rising and rose by almost 30% in last two years and is likely to to increase again soon. What is Term Insurance? The purpose of term insurance is to assure a stream of income to the family for when you might not be around. When you buy […]